Take on the daily challenges

The world is a mirror. Remember the quote by Anais Nin:

"We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are."

This week notice how people treat you and reflect weather you are treating yourself and or others this way. People reflect what we do back to us. Most of the time we are unaware of our blind spots. Others naturally reflect our behavior back to us because we always receive the energy we give.

Welcome to the Purple Atlas!

My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself, get inspired, connect with likeminded people and transform what was holding you back into your most powerful fuel. 

About Anna:

The most soul-expending thing is self-discovery and experiencing the true depth of your being.

I had a profound direct experience of who I am and from that moment on my life has never been the same. I know that we are all one love and from knowing my true self, I know that you have an infinite potential and can enjoy this life to the fullest and create anything you want.  


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